FAVA donate

39 South Main Street
Oberlin, Ohio 44074

Phone: (440) 774-7158
Fax: (440) 775-1107

Child/Parent Art (Pre-K-4th Grade)

Child/Parent Art


September 28, October 5 from 12:30pm-2pm
Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23 from 11am-12:30pm

The variation in times/dates is because of a room scheduling conflict. Please pay attention to the above dates and times before you register for this class.

Children are welcome with or without their parents.

Ages Pre-K - 4th Grade

We will be working with paint and clay in a variety of techniques. Children and their parents will work on their own individual projects, although parents are always free to ask for help from their children as well as the instructor. Children unaccompanied by parents are also welcome. Please wear art-friendly clothes or bring a smock.

email erin@fava.org if you have questions regarding this class, or the scheduled dates and times.


Sep 28, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024

2nd Floor Classroom
39 S Main St
Oberlin, OH 44074

Tuition $110
Member Price $102
Fees $20

registration closed

When & Where Tuition Member Price Supply Fee  
Sep 28, 2024 - Nov 23, 2024
2nd Floor Classroom
39 S Main St
Oberlin, OH 44074
$110 $102 $20 registration closed

*You must be logged in with your FAVA membership to receive member rates


Donna Coleman

Donna Coleman received her BFA, Honors, in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design and her MFA in painting from CUNY Brooklyn College, New York. She has been the recipient of four grants from the Ohio Arts Council; as well as the Ellen Johnson Visiting Artist Fund of Oberlin College; four grants from the DC Commission on the Arts; Art Matters, Inc.; and the George Sugarman Foundation. She has taught art to young children for many years, and before moving to Ohio in 2000, was an art teacher at Germantown Academy, PA, Rye Country Day School, NY, Browne Academy, VA, Fillmore Arts Center, WDC, and was the Director of the Dreamcatcher Arts Summer Camp and Middle School Art Teacher at Sidwell Friends School, WDC. She has been teaching art at FAVA since 2001 and has been Adjunct Professor in the art department at Lorain County Community College since 2009. Her paintings have been exhibited extensively in her hometown of Washington and in the NE Ohio area and her website is: www.dcolemanpaintings.com

scholarships & aid

FAVA reviews and considers all application for scholarship assistance. While we may not be able to provide a complete scholarship to all those who request it, we are committed to making our classes available to as many people as possible – regardless of individual financial circumstances. For this reason, it is important that all scholarship requests are received well in advance of the class starting date, so we may allocate our available funds accordingly. We may consider any of the following factors when determining eligibility for scholarships:

  • Annual family income
  • Individual or special circumstances
  • Whether the applicant qualifies for the National Free/Reduced Price School Lunch program
    (for students age 18 & younger)

**FAVA also encourages applicants to consider partial scholarship assistance, in which case the student only pays some portion of the class tuition.

All information will be kept confidential and will be used solely to determine the amount of scholarship assistance to be provided.

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